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If you are experiencing domestic or family violence:

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger telephone the police on  000

if you need help:

DV Connect

1800 811 811

This is the QLD state-wide 24 hour / 7 days a week service to women and their children escaping domestic or family violence.

1800 Respect

1800 737 732

This is the national 24 hour / 7 days a week support line for domestic violence and sexual assault.

QLD Statewide Sexual Assault Helpline

1800 010 120

This number is available from 7.30am to 11.30pm, 7 days a week.

Brisbane Domestic Violence Service    (07) 3217 2544


Homelessness Person Information Queensland    1800 47 47 53


Housing and Homelessness Service   1300 880 882


Immigrant Women's Support Service    (07) 3846 3490


Legal Aid Queensland    1300 651 188


Women's Legal Service    (07) 3392 0670


Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS)    (07) 3846 9300


Multicultural Families Organisation Inc     (07) 5571 0381

Safety plan

These suggestions may help you leave quickly if you are in danger.


1. Consider carefully who you tell about your plan to leave, this includes children and friends as this may compromise your safety.


2. Decide who you will call if you feel threatened or in danger.


3. Decide where you will go if you need a safe place.


4. Decide what arrangements you will make to ensure the safety of your children.


5. Save some money for taxi or bus fares for emergency transportation to a safe place.


6. Keep an extra key to your house and car with you at all times.


7. Make a list of emergency telephone numbers.


8. Hide a change of clothing for you and your children.


9. Pack all the medications you need.


10. Know where all your important papers and records are (eg. passport, birth certificate, bank cards/bank books, marriage certificate etc) and take them with you if possible.


11. To avoid confusion in a panic, practice travelling to your safe location.


12. Keep a list of items you may wish to retrieve at a later date.


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